Drama Workshop Reflection - Roman, Francia and Maya
It was a Monday morning we all gathered around the bale bale for morning
circle. After break the high schools went for drama in the drama workshop in the
little Joglo at the back of sunrise school. We thought that the drama was going to
be lots of fun and acting and really it was just about discussing layers of drama
and teaching us about different gears to use while you’re doing Drama.
First we were not so into the drama process. Mr. Marco asked Jason to be
his secretary so we wouldn’t forget anything of what Mr. Marco said to us. Even
though Jason was the secretary he still asks so many questions and has so many
problems and kept on asking Mr. Marco to repeat what he said so he could write
it in his book. After we all talked to Mr. Marco and told him a little bit about us we
did an activity, we were asked to walk around the Joglo in gears 1-10. When we
went to lunch we didn’t go to the school we got our food at the joglo alote of us
wanted to go to the school.
After a while we all started to have fun but then Jade Romane Ashanti Maya
and Jason saw the trampoline and for the next 2 days we stayed almost all day on
it and jumped off a tree onto the trampoline.
Some parents came to see what we did. Maya and Layla did the mirror, Ashanti
Romane Jade and Maite did a little play but then changed to a cup song Tom,
Sean, Iin, Francia, Jason did a story.
On the last day we had alot of fun and we realized that it was alote of fun we
learnt so much and Mr. Marco was happy after we all gathered and put a incent
in the middle and Jason tried to taste the ash of the incent and everyone laughted
including him. Mr. Marco told us the end of his story about the parrot.
We all went home happy and confident we all had alote of fun at the workshop
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