Feedback From Our Community

Our International School Community has an amazing spirit. Our gardens and green environment provide so many holistic learning opportunities.

Our school, we believe is the best school in Bali.
We are proud to be an International School in Bali which provides so many top school learning experiences.

Amazing Words from our Community.
What do you wish for your child at school and in life?

“Finding unity and diversity”

“Self – Actualisation, to discover & nurture the strongest qualities”
“Make friends, to feel comfortable and happy, to be independent to get confidence and esteem, and in learning to get the best out of themselves”, “To live in the present with gratitude, acceptance peace to seek resolution and compassion for all through grace and equanimity. Embracing the nature of all things. Transcending limited thoughts, desires and deep fried food”, “To be a grateful, compassionate and responsible human being. To be able to observe carefully, yet efficiently, before she makes decisions
“To be happy and enjoy his life”
“ Making good relationships with friends, teachers, and others. Building identity, creativity, confidence”
“To enjoy the educational experience as a whole”
“Our wish that our child to be good kid and helpful, kind and positive behaviour”
“To became a kind, respectful, always curious and aware human being”
“In school I want her to learn how to be good student and for life we want her to be successful   
“To be happy healthy, self-confident and learn to become a socially and environmentally responsible person to make this a better place for the lives of humans, animals and the environment”
“We want her to enjoy the school days and her life. To make friends, to learn a spirit of independence and be a kind person”
“I hope that he can continue on his path and get to know his friends more and continue to improve his understanding of the world”
“To be confident in making good decisions”
“I hope he is smarter, be a good boy, helpful for the people and respectful of others. Listen more to parents and teachers. More talkative and feel free to express his feelings”
“ To be able to learn how to learn”
“I wish that they can be motivated and encouraged to find their real passion in life, to believe in themselves that they can do anything they dream of and more that everything’s I wish them to be happy and life lovers”
“To be confident in making good decisions”
“Happiness, healthiness, kindness, gratefulness, continuing learning and self development, in school cover all need academic needs”
“At school I wish my child to find the deeper the meaning of learning, find the happiness and joy of learning through many kinds of experiences”
“I wish for my kids to have the best education they can and a better life than me”
“I wish, they could be motivated and encouraged to find their passion in life, believe in themselves that they can do anything they dream of and more than everything’s I wish them to be happy and life lovers”,
“ To enjoy childhood as long as possible! That we provide her with limitless support, encouragement + the tools for the paths she will embark on, To enjoy life in the present moment with a mind to the future + learn from the past but not to dwell on it. To be compassionate + emotionally intelligent”
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