is making money more important than family?…
At first this “Can Money Buy Happiness?” video is
SHOCKING – - but let it finish and it all seems
to work out if you put everything in reverse..
The Video is quite brilliant.. and it can even get
you thinking that everything we read, believe and
more over accept should be carefully analyzed….
This “Can Money Buy Happiness” Video just amplifies my belief …. that the truth lies
in a place of peace, a place within our hearts.. a place our creator made for us, a special
place.. That is where the truth lies..
Can Money Buy Happiness? – is a question of Truth.
There is ONLY ONE truth. NOT different truths for different
people at different times.. that is utterly ridiculous… and is a cop
out that we sometimes tell ourselves to feel okay about our own
sins.. because YES we do know when we have sinned…. but
then we justify our actions… in fact we convince ourselves that
the white lie we tell is to PROTECT others because we don’t
have the GUTS to face the somewhat backlash of the truth…
BUT truth is always the BEST way… even if it is uncomfortable
for the giver OR the receiver…
is NOT necessarily a LIE…. otherwise you won’t know when to
stop talking dahhh…
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I recommend everyone become a member of the Common Sense Club… |
The question ‘Can money buy happiness?’… is not able to be answered fully …
in fact our answer is limited to our own understanding of happiness or even
our own belief what happiness really is…
However once we know the TRUTH is in GOD…
the limited human aspect is eliminated because we
start to understand that true happiness is something
completely different from what the world portrays..
One of my definitions..
“Happiness comes at the moment of realization that
GOD exists..because … at that moment nothing else matters…”
This belief lends itself to the interpretation of the
positive answer to the question “Can Money Buy
happiness?” … since it suggests that Happiness is
experienced in ‘moments’….which in turn allows a
myriad of situations with momentary pleasures ..
bringing ‘Happiness” in that moment.
BUT I beg to differ since the moment that you know
GOD exists…FEELINGS…. are NO LONGER in
the definition…. and all those momentary pleasures
are in fact NOT happiness but just emotional FEELINGS
of pleasure which last a little while (momentarily)…
Knowing GOD brings the understanding that Happiness
is NOT a FEELING.. it is a state of belief that we are LOVED;
CARED FOR; PROTECTED.. and, and , and .. and . and
..for those who believe…
All this means nuts to those who are still under the influence of
outdated flat earth scientists who believe that we all originated
from a soup of chemicals in a cesspit pool and that we happen
to be here on earth purely by chance and not by design at all…..
in which case NOTHING and NO_ONE matters.
Then my being alive makes absolutely no sense whatsoever…
BUT I digress from the question ‘Can Money Buy Happiness?’
The answer is YES … IF you wish to settle for an inferior definition ..
that Happiness is just an experience of momentarily pleasures
BUT the answer is NO if you refuse to ‘settle’ for the 2nd best
and understand that Happiness is a state of belief that EVERYTHING
that happens is for the good….(belief = knowing that something is CERTAIN)
And that the “happiness” state is a sense of joy, peace and
forgiveness… without bitterness or guilt, knowing that we are
forgiven and we are loved and that we have a definite purpose
and of course that we already have everlasting life…
Yeahhh !!!.... NOW THAT is Happiness.
so.. Can Money Buy Happiness ?
… NO….
AND yet when we are in a state of peace, Joy and forgiveness
(happiness) then comes a state of complete abundance…
and from that state we are then in a position to help and assist others…
NB: please note that the above are the the views of the individual writer and not necessarily the views of Sunrise School.
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