Musical Drama Blog - Layla, Ashanti, Francia and Jason

Junior High School’s 8 Day Exaggerated Musical Drama Workshop

Junior High School experienced new drama techniques during an emersion workshop in the

beautiful joglo to develop confidence, personality and creativity.

We were exploring movement with different items such as a ball, a cube, a book, cards, etc. We

combined all the movements into a performance. Activities included mirroring, small plays,

emotional stories, and fun games such as the rolling ball game and charades.

After every performance our teacher would always ask us “Who are they?”. We think he asked

us this question so that we could explore different perspectives of scenarios. This was an

important tool which allowed us to develop our creativity and brain storm ideas.

We learnt unique singing activities where everyone would sit in a circle, we would sing a song in

an Italian dialect. When we were finished we would wait for someone to start the song again,

and if no one did, we would finish the activities. If someone started again, we would sing

another round of the song. People would start singing further rounds because it was strange

and wonderful.

Our favorite aspects of the workshop were jumping on the trampoline because we had more

time to engage with everyone and learn more about each other. Other favorite aspects were

watching Jason fall in the fish pond and eat the ash from the incense, listening to friends share

personal and emotional stories from the heart, having a break from writing and school work as

well as singing, walking on the table and laying down in the hammock.
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